dad is a liar
Argumentation is to persuade the reader that
your ideas are more valid than someone else. The philosophe Aristotle has
classified three type of persuasion. The first one is logos. Logos referring to
logic is everything that can be proved and accepted as truth. An argument based on logos doesn’t not
required personal opinion but just facts. The second one is Ethos, this
persuasion acts on the personal
emotion. The author sometimes can decide to act on the feeling of the lector or
the viewer. Not all advertisement requite the three quotes. In some video you
will only find Ethos. Most of the time in the smoking ads emotional reaction is
basically required. At last we have Pathos which is a kind of personal demonstration
of the author. This demonstration is to show to the readers or the viewer in
case of an ads that he is someone who is listening, understanding and want to
show solution. We will try to analysis these three elements trough the
following ads.
‘’ You can’t change your destiny, but you can
create your own’’. This is a life insurance ads that support family. The video
shows that they pay great attention on the effort that the parents are doing
every day to make a better future for their children. Out there, parents are
working hard to ameliorate their lives’ condition and furnish a good education
to their kids. MetLife wants to help parents and Guardian by bringing a light in
the future pathway of their children.
The author has used Ethos
because the ads affect your personal feeling. This connection wakes up your
emotion and makes you feel pain. Make people feel pain or sad, is one of the
best way to have a person exactly where you want him to be. This video is one
of the most sadness I have ever seen. It has the capacity to bring tear to your
eyes. And when tears come out, you become sensitive. In addition, you are ready
to open your brain to anything you think that can complex this. At the
emotional point, a human become like a sleeping water. Even the finger of a
child can create new movement.
The video has used a family behavior to
introduce its service in the society. The Dad and his daughter are the
personage used in this projection. This short story used to happen in a real
life and that’s why it affects your emotion at this point. At the beginning of the story, everything
looks perfect. The child and the dad were both happy. In a letter, the little
girl describes her happiness with her dad. Dad represents her superhero. The
story has been told by the kid. The kids has explained how strong and protective
his dad is. That part of the video is really realistic. Most of the time, a
child knows only what their parents show them. The only thing that is not
realistic fact is that the story is being tell using the voice of the child.
This is like an ads I have seen years ago preaching against abortion. The one
who was speaking was the baby inside the stomach of the mother. There is no way
that could be true, but it was so emotional. That is the same thing that happened
in this video, a child can’t write that kind of story. But, using the voice of
the child makes the projection so attractive.
The best part of the video is exactly when the dad is surprised to see that
the daughter has understood everything. The part when the Happy Dad bring him
to school and after run to work. In the normal life, a child can’t be that
smart to figure out what was going on. The fact they show she did make the
video more chocked.
This video is not only
emotional, but also it is a logical one. This video implies that the day you’ve
decided to have a child is also the day you’ve decided to sacrifice yourself
for his or her own good. The day you’ve decided to wake up early and go to bed
late, to take two to three jobs for some etc… All that is because you must
always love someone more than yourself and a child future, his happiness worth
all of that. It is always going to pay at the end. When you do all the
sacrifice your child is happy, they bring good grades home, they recognize your
hard work and show more respect and be more motivate in whatever that they are
doing. And you as a good parent in return will be proud and honored. It is not
because it has used thing in the real life to do so. But because it is
connected that thing with the kind of articles he is offering. As many other
company MetLife offers different kind of insurance. To offer these kind of
service all you need to do is to push people to see that life can be better if
you accept my service. You don’t need to lies to your child and hide your
sadness. This aspect reflects to the Logos. After seeing this video, the viewer
will use is reason before acting. What is happening in my life and why should I
do. This short story already acting on your emotion, now is pushing you to take
action if you convince that the condition of the dad is the same as your
After influencing your emotion
and push you to reason the author didn’t stay different. Even if he doesn’t
show itself on the screen, he let you know who he is. He has used Pathos. By
presenting it these images he show itself as someone who’s know about life,
someone who understand what is going on and want to bring solutions. He shows
that he understand that Sometimes parents want to give the best education to
their children. As human being, we all make mistakes. We cannot never satisfy a
person at hundred percent (100%), there will always be a margin of error which
might appear as 2% or 3%. Every decision making has good and bad side, positive
and negative consequences. The strategies using to help someone can turn out to
be the worse experiences that this person has never lived in his/her life and
can induce this person to become your adversary or hater. An author’s always
push his reader to have a positive ideas about his personality. On that video
what we can see is a man who is listening or maybe has been in this situation
No matter how emotional this
story is, some people will still not being convincing to service offer by
MetLife. The long of the video, the little has been present with an adult
character, something who can’t be possible. For her age there is no way she
could understand sacrifice of his parents. And one of the other problem of the
video is that the little girl say” he lies about having a job”. That can’t be.
Because in the video the dad has been showing while working. The producer
should correct that part and say “he lies about having a good job’’. This quote
will make more sense. Not everyone will pay attention to these detail. Because
he emotional aspect already cover all your sense. A producer don’t need to
correct this as a mistake; only a little group of person curious will see this.
Work cited
MetLife, Hong Gong. My Dad is a Liar.
Emotional commercial YouTube, February 3 2015
My dad is a liar , is a commercial from MeLife. This critical essay has several connection with the response that we have don eweeks ago. I've lear how to analysis tex and how to connect My idea. This essay was a good pratice for these who until today don't know how to describe and critic
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